Reading Langston Hughes to Children
I got his Poetry for Young People edition of Langston Hughes’ poetry and it really sings. I read it to my 4-year-old nephew on Sunday night–nearly the whole book. He […]
I got his Poetry for Young People edition of Langston Hughes’ poetry and it really sings. I read it to my 4-year-old nephew on Sunday night–nearly the whole book. He […]
I began Thomas Frank’s new book, Listen, Liberal, this weekend. How interesting. It has hooked me in the first few pages. I’ve read much about the Democratic Party–its future, its […]
Had a lovely time visiting Jamie Morris’ book talk and signing last week at One More Page Books in Arlington, Virginia. He told some great stories that kept the audience […]
Dos Who? When one thinks of the American modernist pantheon—and who doesn’t at least three times daily?—I suspect the usual names rise to the fore: Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, F. […]
People’s Climate March: April 2017, Washington, DC We rose early and took to the street, mustering between the Capitol and the White House, free people in solidarity with science; […]