Dos Passos and Orwell
Last weekend, at the American Literature Association in Chicago, I presented on John Dos Passos and George Orwell–how their lives converged and their legacies diverged. They met once during the […]
Last weekend, at the American Literature Association in Chicago, I presented on John Dos Passos and George Orwell–how their lives converged and their legacies diverged. They met once during the […]
Interesting reference to the painting style of John Dos Passos in The Guardian: “Yun Gee’s Street Scene is composed at a vertiginous angle, giving the piece an off-balanced sensation. Consisting […]
Author Jason Cannon has written a diverting, well-researched, comprehensive biography of Charlie Murphy (Publishing June 1, available for pre-order now), who owned the Chicago Cubs from 1906 to 1913 and […]
From John Dos Passos’s memoirs The Best Times: “For years a wooden box full of my father’s letters has stood on my mantel at Spence’s Point. It is a box […]
From Politico: “All right, you have won,” John Dos Passos wrote in his bitter U.S.A. trilogy passage about the death of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. “There is nothing left […]
My 2nd poem about my paternal grandfather, Rodney Marshall Coggin, went online today. “Papa” was a Marine aviator in the Pacific during World War II. Thanks to Cathexis Northwest Press […]