A Dream Girl
Written 40 poems since last August. Happy with my productivity and discretion. I’m choosing words from the top shelf, not the easy-to-reach bottom shelf, and having nice creative jam sessions. […]
Written 40 poems since last August. Happy with my productivity and discretion. I’m choosing words from the top shelf, not the easy-to-reach bottom shelf, and having nice creative jam sessions. […]
Started rewatching Breaking Bad on Netflix. It’s been 4 years since I saw it all the way through to series finale. It still feels to relevant. It lends itself so […]
I’m reading a couple books on painter Winslow Homer, combing them for ideas for poetry. He’s always been my favorite painter, going back to my days at summer camp receiving […]
In June of last year, the John Dos Passos Society convened in Lisbon. I knew almost nothing about Portuguese history and language. I knew I had a great opportunity, however, […]
Working on a poem about Abraham Lincoln mourning his mother’s death. She died when he was a boy of 9. I get the fascination every writer/historian seems to get while […]
Working on a poem about Fall River, MA. As part of my greater Portuguese education, I’ve been reading up on Portuguese immigration in New England. I was fascinated to learn […]
Apollo 11, the documentary, was fascinating and put a smile on my face. I’m certainly not saying 1969 was the year the United States of America aged to perfection. Vietnam, […]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lives the dreams of many a millennial, waiting anxiously for their chance to lead. Many in the Baby Boom generation in America are refusing to cede power, time […]