The Lawton Chiles Campaign Method
Rummaging through old files and came across an article in the Lakeland Ledger from 1975 describing a Lawton Chiles campaign kickoff at Bartow Civic Center. Featured at the kick off […]
Rummaging through old files and came across an article in the Lakeland Ledger from 1975 describing a Lawton Chiles campaign kickoff at Bartow Civic Center. Featured at the kick off […]
The Tampa Bay Times, the top newspaper in Florida and one of the best in the nation, has published my guest column promoting the vital work of the Southeast Florida […]
Sick of U.S. politics today? Tired of the daily deceptions, the smallness? Read about real statesmanship. Explore the story of Walkin’ Lawton Chiles, governor and U.S. senator from Florida. He […]
Now that Hurricane Hermine has passed through Florida and the Mid-Atlantic, it’s a good time to reconsider hurricane response policy at the state level. Veteran Florida reporter Bill Cotterell has […]
Welcome to the 7th edition of my new blog series, “Artists & Innovators,” a series of interviews with campaigners, entrepreneurs, artists, and advocates who are solving problems with passion and […]
This kind of advertisement is a glimpse of the real Florida–the land beyond the glossy travel brochures and Disney billboards. A look at the work necessary to carve a living […]
Jeb Bush is all over the national press now and, for me, his presidential campaign conjures up memories of my years of research into Lawton Chiles for my book, Walkin’ […]